
Showing posts from December, 2014

The Most Vulnerable Time of the Year - Staying Pure.

Christmas season is a time that comes with many joys and blessings but it is also a time when many are most vulnerable to a most destructive temptation - pornography. In fact, it is during this time of year that websites and cable television report their highest rates of consumer viewing of the sexually explicit . Many factors come into play - the high stresses of work and schooling to the break and freedom of vacation. Whatever the many reasons, know that the danger is at hand. But there is also freedom available to enjoy life apart from porn's destructive nature. Freedom is always won when one chooses to battle and not surrender.  I'm not an expert, by no means, but a fellow fighter. Here are a few tips I have learned from God's Word and from some godly mentors Long my journey to keeping the purity and the freedom Christ has won for His followers:  1. Remember who God is . He is the greatest object of our desire. He is the greatest adventure. He is more glorious. H...