
Showing posts from July, 2015

The Lost Emotion of Anguish

If you have found yourself lately with a pit in your stomach, feeling grief and sorrow in your heart over events happening in the world around you - you have your heart in the right place. It’s the heart that God has given you. The consequences of sin is devastating. It not only hurts the one doing it but also the ones around them, even if not directly. It also harms society in general. No one is an island to themselves. The wages of sin is indeed death. Not merely physical death but having repercussions that affect all. Just ask Adam.  It seems in our society, and even in the church, the knee jerk reaction when evil happens is to look for the silver lining in the cloud of despair. It’s certainly easier that way. And far less troubling. Dwelling upon a wrong that happened or is happening is too consuming. When we see that bad things are occurring around us we often drift towards finding a distraction. Caring is far too painful, especially when we think we can do no...

The Making of a Great Worship Leader

*Disclaimer - I'm no worship expert. I'm just a pastor. I've spent most of my ministry years serving young adults. Now I lead a "hipster church". Either they are older and need a new hip or they are young and shave the sides of their heads more than their faces. This is my church family. And I love to worship God. My singing stretches any idea of making a joyful noise to the Lord and the only instrument I can play is my iTunes playlist. But I earnestly desire that all seek the face of God. I'm NOT one of those pastors who believes congregational singing is just entertainment and warming up the crowd before the message. In my thinking, the time of congregational praise and prayer is just as important as the preaching (which happens to be my responsibility). Whatever you want to call their position - Music Pastor, Worship Leader, Worship Arts Director, Praise Team Facilitator, or Person Standing Up Front Leading Us in Singing to God - they play a vital ro...