I'll just come right out and admit it – I'm a full-fledged hater. Although no one has ever called me that to my face - or even over social media – I'm sure quite a few have thought it of me. I can’t get around the fact. I'm a hater. It is who I am, to the core of my being. And believe it or not, as a follower of Christ, I really have no problem being known as a hater. In fact, I consider it an honor. My highest honor actually. Stick with me here! To the end. It may blow our mind and cause us all to rethink our current mantra of the day. Scripture tends to do that. Why do I hate? I hate because God hates. "What?! But isn't God a God of love?" Certainly! In fact, God is love defined (1 John 4:8), but as Love, here’s what He tells us about Himself. " … because they have done all these things and I am filled with disgust against them." Leviticus 20:23 "Arrogant people cannot stand in...