There's Something About Mary

Luke 1:26-38 Facts About Mary Her name, Mary is from the Hebrew “Miriam.” The name is derived from the Hebrew word for “bitter.” Mary’s young life may well have been filled with bitter hardships. It certainly was prophetic of her future. She's female. Notice God didn't pick a man to do His work here – mainly, because it wasn't how He made men to be. Women were designed to bear children. Plus, little do many realize, the Lord chose a woman to do this glorious work because the curse of sin came through man. Jesus had to be sinless. Only possible way. Also to show that women are as important in serving Him as men are. They each just have different roles. She's Jewish , a Hebrew, An Israelite, God's chosen people by which the promise of a Savior would come, through Abraham. She's a young teenager , probably around 13-14 years old. We see that the Lord uses a teenage girl. Many famous teenagers in the Bible. Rebekah, Rachel, Leah, Isaac, Jos...