It's easy to point out and mock the insane decisions other people make and to lambast away at how horrible their actions were and the consequences they deserve. Then we piously rant about the right thing they should have done. In our minds, it's all well deserved. But inevitably, the Spirit begins to work in our own hearts and we can't help but look at ourselves, remembering the times when we also did something really stupid. So stupid that the regrets continue to haunt us, even at the most inappropriate random moments. Decisions that seemed so far out of the character from what we've esteemed for ourselves; leaving us shaking our heads and murmuring in disappointment to ourselves, "I'm such an idiot! How can I blow it like that?" If only we could have that moment back again in order to make the right decision. So, what do we do when we've done something we regret? When we have just plain blown it? We have a variety of choices to make after...