"If You Were REALLY SORRY Then You Would ..."

Why Others Won't Accept Your Apology Too often in relationships something goes wrong and a person gets hurt. At times it is intentional and other times it happens out of not paying attention to what is important. We end up failing another person and then attempt to express our apologies to that person. We humble ourselves, give an apology and then somehow it gets rejected, "You are not even sorry! If you were really sorry then you would ..." Now you are really frustrated and the relationship is even more strained. Inside your head you are doing everything not fire back to them, "Did you not hear me?! Am I speaking another language?!" The walls go up and you want to give up. But don't give up yet! Here is a great tool of communication found in a book by Gary Chapman, The Five Languages of Apology . It turns out that perhaps you were speaking in a different language after all. Here are five ways people generally understand and communicate apology. The...