A Life Changing Prayer

1:9–11 And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in
knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best
and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of
righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.
that your love may
abound more and more – Pray for their love for God and for others to grow
immensely. Not only to grow but to abound. And more and more!
in knowledge and
depth of insight – May the Lord to give them a very intimate relational
knowledge of Himself and to have those “Aha!” moments of truly understanding
how incredible He is. Pray also that their love for others would be more
intimate and to have those times of understanding how deeply they really love
those around them.
so that you may be
able to discern what is best – May their decisions be not based
upon self-interest but upon their love for God and others. May this then lead
them to make the very best decisions.
and may be pure and
– May their love for God and others also lead them to a life of purity and
until the day of
– May they lead holy and blameless lives not only today but everyday, until the
great day of Christ’s return.
filled with the fruit
of righteousness – May their lives overflow with righteousness (doing the
right things and making wrongs right) to be a blessing to those around them.
May others enjoy the fruit of their lives.
that comes through
Jesus Christ
– May their lives overflow with spiritual fruit that comes from walking closely
with Christ and not through self-effort.
to the glory and
praise of God.
May their life be one of great glory to God. May others see and praise God
because of their life.
can’t wait to see how the Lord will work in us and those we love as we seek Him
all the more! Keep praying!
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