Scalpels and Guns

A series of recent events have significantly impacted me and caused me to do some serious soul searching. Honestly, my world has been rocked from its mantle of ease. The exposure of the harvesting of organs by PlannedParenthood/StemExpress, the mass shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, the Paris terrorist attacks and finally the shootings in San Bernardino. (You could probably add so much more to your list as well). Things just aren’t normal any more. Life as I’ve known it has changed. Tragedies abound in our world. They’ve always been there. But for some strange reason these loom greatly upon my mind. 

And so, I’ve sat quietly. Refrained from making any opinions, in spite of the ridiculous barrage done by politicians, media and social media. Wrestling to look inside and look up instead of doing my norm of knee-jerk responses. Thinking of the victims. Thinking of the victims’ families. But for some reason, thinking more about the perpetrators. Every news account only drives deeper the need into my heart. The vastness of the problem overwhelms me and leaves me in a state of helplessness. Yet, as I sit alone in my thoughts and prayers to the Sovereign One, I find a hint of solace.

And so after weeks of grappling and praying, here is where God has led me. Despite all the well intentioned solutions being thrown out by well meaning people, the Lord has gripped my heart with one reality - EVERY PERSON WE COME ACROSS HAS THE POTENTIAL FOR GREAT EVIL OR A GREAT GOOD. It's not so much about the scalpel, the gun or the bomb but the scruples of the one who holds them. We never know. 

My solution? It seems like nothing. But I know that somehow, through God, I can possibly affect that outcome, ONE PERSON AT A TIME. By simply going out of my way to care for every person I come across and letting them know THEY MATTER TO GOD and to me. I can't change everyone. Nor can I make much of a difference by myself. But I can do something. I can be a vessel of His work in the life of another. It's so difficult when I spend most of my time being self absorbed. Being relationally retarded doesn't help either. But I’m praying to make a difference today. Join with me in showing the love of Christ to as many as possible, even if they are different from you. And pray for me.

"Love your neighbor as yourself” - Jesus. 

A command. Not just a good idea. 


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