Where Are We Headed As A Nation - 22 Predictions
Let me say at the outset, I’m not a prophet. I don’t own a crystal ball, dabble in astrology or read tea leaves. Nor am I a futurist. But, as many others, I can still make some logical projections as to the course of human events based upon biblical insight of human behavior in regards to patterns of current decisions being made and pushed in our society. These are simply the reasonable ramifications. I hope I’m wrong. 

At The Direction Our Nation Is Going ...
  • Sports, as well all public schooling, will cease to be divided by boys and girls or men and women.
  • Mothers Day and Fathers Day will no longer be officially celebrated. 
  • The terms "mother" and "father" will be removed from legal and cultural terminology. 
  • Sex between adults and teens will be legalized. 
  • Government will determine our death if we become “too old” and “too expensive” to keep alive. 
  • Incest will be legal. 
  • Polygamy will be legal - if marriage even remains a legal entity. 
  • Sharia law will be allowed in the U.S. for the Muslim population, in order to not offend their culture with new laws.  
  • Sharing Christ will be illegal. 
  • Churches and Christian organizations will no longer have tax exempt status. 
  • Donations to churches and Christian organizations will no longer be tax deductible. 
  • Speaking about certain Bible passages will be considered hate speech and this become illegal. 
  • Those born with certain physical and chromosomal defects will be terminated (Infanticide) in the name of compassion. 
  • Racism will increase. 
  • Anti-Semitism will escalate. 
  • Aborted baby parts will be legally sold. 
  • Pornography will be public. 
  • Prostitution will be universally legalized. 
  • Gladiator events will return. 
  • All public display of Christianity will be removed. 
  • The persecution of followers of Christ will increase. 
  • As in Rome under Nero, Russia and China under communism, countries under Sharia Law, as well as many other governments. throughout history, Christianity will be blamed for many of societies "social ills."

Why? God has made it clear throughout history and in His Word, the more we drift from Him the more we will migrate towards what society has always done, "Everyone did what was right in his own eyes." Judges 21:25.

These are the philosophical dominos of a society that rejects God and His Word. What others may expound as moral evolution, these outcomes are but following the road of moral entropy. For without any constant true and objective moral compass humanity will only be subject to their own whims and whatever the societal norm becomes. Relativistic truth will only propagate a relativistic morality. 

The slippery slope of our understanding and the current of law making of what is right and wrong has begun. It should not surprise us that the those who do not place their sole trust in Christ are "those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." (Isaiah 5:20.) The more social restraints are removed, the more society will open themselves to doing what they once deemed unimaginable. God even tells us this will be the course of humanity’s unrestraint. 

“For there will be a time when people will not tolerate sound teaching. Instead, following their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves, because they have an insatiable curiosity to hear new things. And they will turn away from hearing the truth, but on the other hand they will turn aside to myths.” 2 Timothy 4:3–4

Such predictions should really not be surprising. These laws are already being promoted in other cultures where Christ is not preeminent, as well as having been historically established. There have also been proposals already being made to enact these very laws in our country. 

History is determined to repeat itself outside of God's divine intervention into the hearts of humanity or His destruction of them. 

Can this course of events change? Definitely! God reminds us of a basic principle from His promise - 2 Chronicles 7:14  if my people, who belong to me, humble themselves, pray, seek to please me, and repudiate their sinful practices, then I will respond from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” The more the Church cries out in prayer, the more we turn from our own evil and the more it shines His glory, the more lives will be transformed and whole societies will be turned to righteousness. God has certainly transformed worse societies - or destroyed them. Let’s pray for the former. 


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