When The Results Come In, How Do I Respond?

When the results come in from today’s election, how do I as a servant of Christ respond?

If I prayed earnestly and voted biblically and my candidates and measures won:

I rejoice - that God has worked His righteousness in our land. Not just a little but a lot! This is better than my favorite team winning. Proverbs 28:12
I consider – my ways, the ways of the church and the ways of the nation. What got us in this mess in the first place? Haggai 1:7-10
I seek - God relentlessly. Isaiah 55:6
I trust - in His Sovereignty. Revelations 11:15
I preach - of His glory all the more. Psalms 96:3

If I prayed earnestly and voted biblically yet my candidates and measures lost:

I grieve - that God’s righteousness has been ignored. Not just for a few minutes. But allowing my heart to break because His is even more. Joel 2:17
I listen and consider - to what is He is saying to us, His people and consider where we stand with Him. Revelations 2:2-7.
I humble myself and seek - God, because He is forgiving, good and powerful enough to get us out of the mess we are throwing ourselves into. II Chronicles 7:14
I trust - in His sovereignty. He is The King and His Kingdom will reign in the end and forever. Revelations 11:15
I preach - of His deliverance. Colossians 1:13

And I pray for the newly elected official, no matter what. I Timothy 2:2 


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