I’m Rich!
God of Grace

In order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus. Eph 2:7 (NIV)

“God helps those who help themselves.” When I was growing up it was the most quoted, if not the only supposed bible verse in my home. Well, at least we thought it was in the bible somewhere, perhaps in the book of Second Hesitations. I had never seen the bible so I just took their word for it. In fact, besides the occasionally cursings and the threat, “God, help you if you ever do that again”, it was the only mention of God in our home. What I learned and thus lived out for many years was that if I was going to get anywhere in life it was up to me and me alone. I had been taught that nothing in life was truly free. You had to earn it. From money, to grades, to respect, to social status, and even to love.  

My belief was that if there was a god, it was only there to test you and make things a little harder, maybe lending a hand if you were in serious trouble. Off I went through life doing the best I could to “make it”;  earning good grades, being moral, impressing people, caring for others as best I could, striving for goals, working hard and saving. When I wasn’t “making it” I would just cover it up hoping no one noticed I had failed. All in all I thought I was doing quite well, at least compared to others. Life was getting hard, but I would just work harder. I needed help but the only one I could count on was me.  

That all came to a crashing halt on one summer day.  A person I was attempting to de-convert from Christianity told me that greatest news ever, God loved me and desired a relationship with me. In that moment I went from a Christ-hating, self-righteous, self-made person to a humble sinner desperately kneeling in the presence of a Holy God.  All of sudden I realized I needed Him and I wanted Him. I had nothing to offer in return for His grace. It hit me that God did not help those who help themselves. It was the most famous verse NOT in the bible. The reality was that God helps those who realize they need help, pure and simple. There was nothing I could earn from Him. It was all by His grace.

Years later, while in seminary I had another life changing realization of the Lord. I found out that I was absolutely rich and blessed! There was a treasure chest full of riches I never knew or fully understood. These amazing truths were there the whole time and I never saw them. Riches. Blessings. Eternal treasures. Everlasting wealth. I was loaded! No one ever told me up to that point. I had come across it time and again but never recognized what I had.  Not because it was hidden in Greek but rather I never took the time to look. It was like some well kept secret of blessing and riches. When I saw it, life was never the same. The God of Grace had given so much that I had to share it with others as well. And now I get to share it with you.  And you’re gonna be blown away!

I don’t want to spoil the surprise for you nor do I want to diminish how great it really is. You have to read it for yourself. Verse after verse of riches, blessings, treasures hidden for centuries and all yours, all for free! Not one thing did you earn. It cost you nothing. But remember that because it is free doesn’t mean it is cheap. It cost God His greatest treasure – His Son. It is said that the value of something is measured by what one is willing to pay. God paid for it dearly.  

So prayerfully and carefully open the treasure chest and see what He has given you through His grace. “Lord, show me how gracious of a God you truly are.” It was even the prayer of the Apostle Paul that you would see these riches.  Read through Ephesians 1:3- 2:10 and underline everything He has done for you. It is incredible. You might want to hold a party afterwards. Dig in, behold His riches, and don’t forget to give Him praise for His grace!

What You Had:
1. Dead in your sins
2. Child of Devil
3. Bondage to sin
4. Separated from Christ
5. Excluded from God’s people
6. Foreigners and aliens to God
7. An object of God’s wrath
8. Far away from God

What You Have:
Free stuff you can never afford:  Cost to you – Free.  Cost to God – His Son.  Cost to Christ – His life.  

1. Forgiveness of sins
2. Reconciliation with God
3. Adoption as sons
4. Glorious inheritance
5. Made holy and blameless – called saints
6. Chosen to be the praise of His glory
7. Salvation
8. Made to be in Christ
9. Sealed with the Holy Spirit
10. Access to His incomparable great power
11. Seated with Christ in the heavenlies
12. Created to do good works
13. Greatly loved by God
14. Given peace with God
15. Brought near to God
16. Made alive with Christ
17. Fellow citizens with God’s people
18. Member of God’s family
19. Access to God
20. Built together to be a holy dwelling for God

And the comfort in all this? It is ours forever, never to be taken away. You are set for life, eternally. 


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